On-Page SEO Checklist: Optimizing Your Webflow Site

Think you've got your Webflow site SEO down to a T? Think again. The devil's in the details, and those details could be costing you valuable search engine rankings. But don't sweat it; we've got you covered.

  • Page Checklist: The nitty-gritty of SEO settings and audits.
  • Open Graph Images: Boost your social media performance.
  • Accessibility: Simple tasks to make your site more accessible and SEO-friendly.
  • Third-Party Tools: Sync up with Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.
  • Structured Data: How to add Schema Markup for rich results.
  • CMS: Tips for Webflow CMS users.
  • Page Speed Test: Tools to identify areas for improvement.

Ready to dive in? Let's optimize that Webflow site of yours, step by step.

Why On-Page SEO Matters

You've heard it before: Content is king. But even a king needs a well-fortified castle. That's where on-page SEO comes in. It's the architecture that holds your content, making it accessible and attractive to both search engines and human visitors.

Pro Tip: A well-optimized page can increase your organic traffic by up to 30%. Don't ignore the basics.

The Page Checklist: Your SEO Foundation

Let's start with the basics. Your Webflow site is made up of various pages, each needing its own SEO attention. Here's what you need to focus on:

  • SEO Settings: Title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs.
  • Open Graph Settings: Customize how your content appears on social media.
  • Audit: Regularly check for broken links, slow-loading images, and other SEO pitfalls.

Open Graph Images: Your Social Media Trump Card

You might think Open Graph data doesn't affect SEO. Wrong. While it may not directly influence search engine rankings, it does impact how your links perform on social media. And guess what? That, in turn, affects your organic search rankings.

  • Aspect Ratio: Aim for images that are at least 1200px by 630px with a 1.91:1 aspect ratio.
  • Bulk Creation: Tools like Bannerbear can help you create Open Graph images in bulk.

Accessibility: The Overlooked SEO Factor

Web accessibility isn't just about inclusivity; it's an SEO goldmine. Search engines love sites that are accessible because they offer a better user experience.

Did You Know?: Implementing web accessibility can boost your SEO efforts and increase your website’s organic search rankings.

  1. Touch Controls - Ensure touch controls such as hamburger menus, social icons, and more are at least 44px. This makes them easier to click on any device.
  2. Color - Check the contrast of all borders, icons, and text.
  3. Contrast: Check the contrast of all borders, icons, and text for better readability.
  4. Text & Language - Use inclusive, plain language. Optimize text styling for legibility.
  5. Navigation - Make navigation clear and make it appropriate. Make sure you include links to all of your important pages and content. Note: You can also add links to your footer.
  6. Layout - Layout is simple, straightforward, and consistent.
  7. Animations - Only use subtle animations that do not flash excessively or create excessive motion behind the text. Avoid parallax effects.

Third-Party Tools: Your SEO Swiss Army Knife

Syncing your site with tools like Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools can give you valuable insights into its performance. These tools can help you:

  • Submit Sitemaps: Make it easier for search engines to crawl your site.
  • Register Business: Get listed on Google My Business and sync it with Bing Places for Business.

Structured Data: The Secret Sauce for Rich Results

Structured data is like the seasoning in a well-cooked meal. It enhances the flavor, making it more appealing to search engines. By adding Schema Markup, you're essentially telling search engines what your content is all about. By structuring your website data you make it easier for search engines to interpret and organize your data. It also makes your website pages eligible for rich results such as featured snippets. If your Webflow project contains any of the following data types you should consider adding Schema Markup.

  • Types of Data: Articles, products, FAQs, and events are just a few types that benefit from Schema Markup.
  • Tools: Use a Schema Markup Generator to simplify the process.

Critical Analysis: Schema Markup can make your pages eligible for rich results like featured snippets. It's worth the effort.

How to add Schema Markup

If this is your first time setting up schema markup it will seem somewhat complicated at first, but the results are often worth it. Here’s one of the simplest ways of adding it to a Webflow project:

  1. The easiest way to generate your markup is using a tool like this: Schema Markup Generator.
  2. Copy and paste the code to the ‘Before </body> tag’ section of the relevant page or CMS page.
  3. If you are pasting into a CMS page you will need to replace your static data with dynamic data using the ‘add field’ button to reference a CMS item field. You may need to configure and update your CMS collection accordingly.
  4. Publish your website and test your results using Google Structured Data Testing Tool.

CMS: The Powerhouse for Content Creators

If you're using Webflow CMS, you're in luck. It comes with built-in features that can boost your SEO game.

  • RSS Feed: Turn it on for growing CMS collections.
  • Dynamic Data: Replace static data with dynamic data for more personalized content.

Page Speed Test: The Need for Speed

Page speed isn't just about user experience; it's an SEO ranking factor. Slow-loading pages can hurt your rankings and turn away potential visitors.

  • Testing Tools: Use tools like PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to identify areas for improvement.
  • Optimization: Consider exporting your Webflow project for more advanced speed optimizations.

Statistic: A one-second delay in page load time can result in a 7% loss in conversions. Speed matters.

You've got the checklist, and now you know how to use it. It's time to roll up those sleeves and get to work. Optimizing your Webflow site is an ongoing process, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Elevate Your Webflow SEO Game with Homade

You've made it to the end, and you're now armed with actionable steps to supercharge your Webflow site's SEO. You're not just surviving the SEO game; you're set to dominate it.

Key Takeaways

  • Master the basics with a thorough page checklist.
  • Leverage Open Graph images for social media impact.
  • Don't overlook accessibility; it's an SEO goldmine.
  • Utilize third-party tools for deeper insights.
  • Implement structured data for rich search results.
  • Speed up your site; every second counts.

Now, if you're thinking, "This is great, but I could use some expert help," look no further than Homade. As a Chicago-based Webflow Agency, we specialize in custom Webflow websites, Webflow maintenance, and Graphic Design. Let us help you turn these SEO strategies into tangible results.

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